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NHS ConfedExpo 2024

Thank you for being a part of this year’s NHS ConfedExpo. We are delighted that you are able to join us on 12 and 13 June 2024, at Manchester Central.

The following pages contain all the details you will need to prepare for your session at NHS ConfedExpo.

We hope that everything you need to know will be here. However, if you do have any questions, queries or issues regarding your session, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Information for speaker registration

All speakers are entitled to a two-day complimentary place at NHS ConfedExpo and are required to register ahead of the event. 

All speakers are presented with the details for how to register when they log in to the Lineup Ninja speaker portal. However, if you also wish to prompt your speakers and remind them that they need to register, then you can share the following link with them: 

We kindly ask that all speakers are registered as soon as possible, but no later than 7 June 2024.

Upload your slides & run sheet templates

To support our AV teams on site, you are asked to upload a session run sheet for each session that you are leading. You can download the run sheet template below. You are required to upload this through our portal by 5pm, Friday 7 June 2024.

Download session run sheet template


If you plan to use slides in your session, then it is your responsibility as the session lead to upload a complete slide deck for your session. Please note only one slide deck can be uploaded per session. Therefore, if the session has several speakers’ slides, you will need to collate and upload them as one deck. It is the responsibility of the session lead to put them into one deck in the correct order and send us the final version. 

Please make sure you title your slides with a short title to help us identify your presentation. An example slide title could be 'AI in health workshop session'.

The deadline for submitting presentations is 5pm, Friday 7 June 2024

Upload your slides & run sheet template



Using Slido in your session

Slido will be available for use by session leads across all the different content platforms. Slido will be used as standard in all sessions on the Exchange Auditorium and Exchange Hall main stages. 

If you plan to use Slido in your session, please confirm by contacting the team at to discuss your requirements. 

About Slido 

Slido (pronounced as Sly-doe) is an easy-to-use Q&A and polling platform. All participants will be able to access Slido through the event app, or by using the code NHSConfedExpo24

There's no need to download anything or register to Slido, the audience just uses their smartphone, tablet or laptop connected to the internet to participate. 

Slido is a great way to engage your audience. It allows session chairs to: 

  • Crowdsource top audience questions 

  • Maximise the Q&A time by letting people vote up their favourite questions

  • Engage participants with live polls and quizzes 

  • Collect instant feedback with surveys 

  • Brainstorm ideas with upvotes about selected topic 

Session chairs can moderate incoming questions so they have full control over what is being displayed on the presentation screen, as well as activate polls and ideas topics. 

How moderation works 

  • Delegate comments and questions are held in the moderator portal when they are received. 

  • The moderator backstage will have access to the moderator portal and simply clicks the green tick to feed the comment or question through to the public interface, or the red cross to prevent a comment or question feeding through to the public interface. 

  • The session chair will see the public interface, and can choose the questions to put to speakers. 

  • The AV team will be able to toggle between your session slides and the Slido interface, so that it is shown on the stage screen and will do this at the direction of the Chair and/or session lead 

  • No moderation is needed for pre-loaded polls. 


Submit your Slido questions and polls 

If you plan to use Slido in your session, then you will need to submit your questions / polls by Friday 7 June for review by the ConfedExpo team. 

You can submit all of your slido information through the portal 

You will also be asked to name the person who will moderate questions and comments during the session. 

Room set up

Main stages


Both main stages are set up in theatre style (rows of chairs). This is a fixed room set up and cannot be changed. The Exchange Auditorium stage has has a lectern and seating available for up to 5 speakers.

The Exchange Hall does not include a lectern, but also includes seating for as many speakers that are participating in a panel. 

Each main stage will have headset mics for speakers, lectern mics, and handheld mics for audience Q&A. There will also be a large projection screen for presentations.


Discursive cabaret workshop

All Cabaret Workshops are set up in a cabaret layout (round tables seating 10). This is a fixed room set up and cannot be changed.

As well as cabaret style seating for the audience each room has a stage with seating for up to 6 speakers. 

The following AV equipment comes as standard in all cabaret rooms:

  • 2 x Speaker PA
  • 1 x Lectern
  • 1 x Lectern Microphone
  • 5 x Handheld radio mics for speakers
  • 2 x Handheld radio mics for Q&A
  • 1 x HD Projector
  • 1 x Laptop (with clicker & audio feed)


Best practice theatres 

All case study theatre rooms (which are also used for breakfast sessions on day 2) are set up in theatre style. This is a fixed room set up and cannot be changed.

As well as theatre style seating for the audience each room has a lectern and top table that will seat maximum 3 speakers. If you have more than 3 speakers in your session, we will reserve additional seating on the front row.

The following AV equipment comes as standard in all case study theatres:

  • 2 x Speaker PA
  • 1 x Lectern
  • 1 x Lectern Microphone
  • 4 x Table microphones for speakers
  • 1 x HD Projector
  • 1 x Laptop (with clicker & audio feed)


Learning theatres

 Learning Theatres and the In Conversation with theatre are all set out as theatre style. This is a fixed room set up and cannot be changed.

All theatre stages include a lectern and seating for all panellists. 

The following AV equipment comes as standard in all exhibition theatres:

  • 4 x Speaker PA
  • 1 x Lectern
  • 1 x Lectern Microphone
  • 5 x Handheld radio mics for speakers
  • 1 x Handheld radio mic for audience Q&A
  • 1 x 86" TV screen
  • 1 x Laptop (with clicker & audio feed)

Promoting your sessions

Your promotion of your sessions is the best way in which you can make sure your session is well-attended. There are over 140 content sessions across the core programme, feature zones and learning theatres, so your communications are vital to the success of your session at the conference.

If you are leading an NHS ConfedExpo 2024 session, please promote your own session/s and speaker/s through your usual communication channels and networks across social media, bulletins, and face-to-face events and meetings.