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  • The chairs of NHS Confederation and NHS England welcome attendees and give a rundown of what's in store for the event.
  • Google Health director, Susan Thomas, Professor Tim Chico, director of the South Yorkshire Digital Health Hub and David Crichton, Chief Medical Officer of NHS South Yorkshire ICB  will discuss how the ...
  • Delve into the realm of transformative leadership as award-winning author and academic Amy Edmondson shares her insights. Explore strategies and perspectives that will drive positive change, foster co ...
  • This session will explore how we can make every interaction count in primary and secondary care while building community capacity to improve care, reduce inequalities and help stop or delay disease. W ...
  • This session will explore progress in relation to the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan, strengthening connections with the primary care workforce and the soon-to-be-published adult social care plan. We wi ...
  • The flexible workforce has a key part to play in the NHS. What does the workforce of tomorrow look like for the NHS and how do we build a flexible workforce that meets our needs and reflects the way o ...
  • Hear from Merope Mills, campaigner for Martha's Rule and executive editor at the Guardian, followed by a discussion on delivering Martha’s Rule. Hear from a hospital site delivering change and join th ...
  • This session will be a discussion on how to transform outpatient services through digital communication. Participants will discuss what we can change today in the way we deliver care, so that we conti ...
  • An ongoing challenge for health and social care is delivering improvement on health inequality. Clinically initiated pathways that are simple, robust and supported by accessible community-based suppor ...
  • Better use of data and technology is already changing the NHS, helping to provide improved and joined-up care and better health outcomes. As a key enabler for change, technology has the potential to e ...
  • Join Sir Steve Powis and Dame Ruth May as they discuss the NHS from their crucial roles leading England’s medical and nursing professions.
  • Evidence shows that an embedded approach to continuous improvement will deliver higher-quality services and improved patient outcomes.  So how do leaders create the right conditions and culture for im ...
  • This session will showcase examples of how leaders across the NHS are adopting innovation, through pioneering clinical trials, digital technologies and quality improvement programmes, to benefit patie ...
  • The need to build a more holistic, preventative health and care system is not a new one. Successive national strategies, research and commitments have long stated why this matters, yet when push comes ...
  • Closing remarks

    13 Jun 2024
  • Gain valuable perspectives and actionable takeaways from this panel of NHS chief executives as they discuss and share their wide-ranging experiences of transformation and turnaround, from a quality, c ...
19 Results