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  • Tom Hancock

    Tom Hancock

    Transformation Programme Director, Worcestershire Acute Hospital NHS Trust
  • Sam Harding

    Dr Sam Harding

    Health Psychologist and Senior Research Fellow, North Bristol NHS Trust
  • Andy Hardy

    Professor Andy Hardy

    Chief Executive Officer, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust
  • David Hargroves

    Dr David Hargroves

    National Clinical Director for Stroke Medicine, NHS England
  • Kate Harper

    Kate Harper

    Director of Research, Insight and Thought Leadership, NHS Professionals
  • Joe Harrison

    Joe Harrison

    National Director for Digital Channels, NHS England
  • George Harston

    George Harston

    Consultant and CEO, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust and Brainomix
  • Karon Hart

    Karon Hart

    Deputy Director HR; Workforce and Wellbeing, Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
  • John Hartley

    John Hartley

    Head of Income, Commissioning and Contracts, East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust
  • Alison Haughton

    Alison Haughton

    Chief Executive Officer, Saint Mary's Managed Clinical Service, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
  • Sara Hazzard

    Sara Hazzard

    Asssistant Director Strategic Communications, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
  • Emily Henderson

    Emily Henderson

    Director of Innovation, NHS England
  • Carol Hill

    Carol Hill

    Assistant Director, Partnerships and Equality, NHS Confederation
  • Sue Hill

    Professor Dame Sue Hill

    Chief Scientific Officer for England, NHS England
  • Mary Hill

    Mary Hill

    Head of Policy - Health Inequalities, NHS England
  • Catherine Hinwood OBE

    Catherine Hinwood OBE

    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Programme Director, NHS England
  • Ned Hobbs

    Ned Hobbs

    COO, Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust
  • Julie Hogg

    Julie Hogg

    Chief Nurse, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
  • Heather Holmes

    Heather Holmes

    Co-Chair/Lead, London North West Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership
  • Rachel Hope

    Rachel Hope

    Director, Digital Prevention Services (Vaccinations, Screening and the Digital NHS Health Check)
  • Rachel Houlding

    Rachel Houlding

    National Healthcare Director, MSD
  • Dawn Howard

    Dr Dawn Howard

    Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Lead for Neurodevelopmental Service, Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust
  • Lauren Hughes

    Lauren Hughes

    Director, Strategy, Transformation and Quality, National Specialised Commissioning Directorate, NHS England
  • Sue Hughes

    Sue Hughes

    Acting Programme Manager Supporting TEL Team, NHS England
  • Lindsey Hughes

    Lindsey Hughes

    Director of Research, NHS England
  • Elizabeth Hughes MBE

    Professor Elizabeth Hughes MBE

    Medical Director, Undergraduate Medical Training and Education, NHS England
  • Helen Hunter

    Helen Hunter

    Assistant Director - Place Development, NHS Confederation
  • Nazir Hussain

    Nazir Hussain

    Specialist Respiratory Pharmacist, DIHC
  • Ikhlaq Hussain

    Ikhlaq Hussain

    Specialist Pharmacist Respiratory Diagnostic Hub Project Lead and West Birmingham Clinical Locality Lead, NHS Birmingham and Solihull ICB
  • Iffath Hussain

    Iffath Hussain

    Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging Lead, South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
  • Nicola Hutchinson

    Dr Nicola Hutchinson

    Chief Executive Officer, Health Innovation North East North Cumbria
  • Mary Hutton

    Mary Hutton

    Gloucestershire ICS (One Gloucestershire)
  • Andrea Ibbeson

    Andrea Ibbeson

    Deputy Chief Nurse & Designated Nurse for Safeguarding children and CLA, South Yorkshire ICB
  • Anulika Ifezue

    Anulika Ifezue

    Clinical lead and specialist health visitor for perinatal and Infant Mental health, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
  • Jill Ireland

    Jill Ireland

    Chief Executive & Clinical Director, Homelink Healthcare
  • Lexi Ireland

    Lexi Ireland

    Strategic Lead for Health Inequalities, Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust
  • Mish Irvine

    Mish Irvine

    Chief People Officer, Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Integrated Care Board
  • Sandra Iskander

    Sandra Iskander

    Deputy Director of Strategy, Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust
  • Helen Ives

    Helen Ives

    Chief People Officer, NHS Professionals
  • Fran Jackson

    Fran Jackson

    Service Lead - School Nursing, NHS Stockport Foundation Trust