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Top picks with Ruth Rankine

Ruth Rankine, Director of the NHS Confederation Primary Care Network shares highlights from the agenda. 

So many people across the health and care sector do amazing work every day, considering it ‘business as usual’ without celebrating their achievements. NHS ConfedExpo finds these incredible people and celebrates them on a national stage where they can inspire all of us.

I’m excited for primary care to see themselves in sessions they may not have expected, and to hear from colleagues who are doing amazing work for the future of primary care.

Looking at the programme, what are you most looking forward to, and why? 

I am most looking forward to speaking with Professor Claire Fuller and Dr Amanda Doyle in the Best practice in Primary Care session. It promises to be an excellent way to launch primary care's presence at the conference, tackling the challenges and opportunities that face our members. After hearing from Claire and Amanda, we will lead a discussion with attendees on their ambition for primary care services, not just general practice.

As the network for primary care, we’ve predominantly represented at scale general practice, but at this year's conference we’re highlighting the importance and the connections across primary care in a way that’s so rarely seen. The interactive nature of the session will make for a great discussion, and I can’t wait to bring all these brilliant people together to work through the key priorities for primary care. 

Are there any other primary care sessions you would like to highlight? 

Day 1

Primary and secondary care interface: To me this is a must attend session for leaders across the system and presents an excellent opportunity for the benefit of patients and staff. 

Commissioning of optometry for better outcomes: Primary care goes beyond the doors of the GP practice, and we’re excited to see our colleagues in optometry discuss shaping commissioning on a national stage. 

Day 2

Ageing well: supporting older people's health and wellbeing: A perfect session for those who want to get into the details, this best practice session examines how holistic care and collaboration can support an ageing population. 

Find out more about the work of the Primary Care Network by following Ruth Rankine on Twitter 

You can view the full agenda here


Ruth Rankine






Ruth Rankine

Director, Primary Care Network
