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Information for session leads

The individual submitting this proposal will be considered the session lead. The session lead will be responsible for:   

  • Submitting the approved proposal, which includes an updated overview providing a clear rationale for the session 
  • Establish the objectives and desired outcomes of the session 
  • Creating the content and talking points which will be discussed 
  • Propose, invite and manage speakers / facilitators 
  • Informing us as soon as possible if someone else becomes the session lead, including their contact details 

You can download the full session lead guidance* below: 


Guidance for session submissions

Session title: max 93 characters (with spaces)

Session description: max 700 characters (with spaces)


*applicable only to session leads from NHS Confederation or NHS England

Detailed guidance

Main stage (Panel)

NHS ConfedExpo 2024 will have a stage dedicated to high-calibre panels of experts exploring the most important developments and challenges for the NHS.


A panel session on the main stage at NHS ConfedExpo is a unique and high-profile communications and engagement opportunity.
All main stage panel sessions must be topical, interesting, inspiring and thought-provoking – ideally, they should be used to unveil/discuss new developments or approaches or ways of tackling current challenges.
Each of the five theme areas has one main stage panel session dedicated to it.
Each main stage panel session needs to reflect the national approach to the subject matter, as well as the practicalities of delivery on the ground, of the most important challenges and opportunities within the conference theme.
Each panel session should:

  • Inspire and motive the audience around a specific high-priority topic
  • Showcase the views of very senior people across organisations involved in developing or delivering this high-priority work
  • Showcase how this high-priority work is making a difference to patients and staff

Format and objectives

Panel stage sessions are 60 minutes in length, and should be set out with sufficient time for audience Q&A – something like the below. The format can be different from this example, so long as there is enough time throughout for engagement.

There is room for a maximum of five panel members including Chair, which should include:

  • One national voice from NHS England / NHS Confederation
  • At least one person from an external organisation (Charities/Professional bodies/LAs/Private sector (if appropriate)
  • At least one person from a frontline NHS organisation / system
  • At least one patient or patient advocate
  • All panel members should be unique to your session - they shouldn't be speaking in any other main stage session

5 minutes - Chair introduction to key issue of session and panel members

5 minutes - Panel members 1 min each introduce selves

25 minutes - Panel discussion with equal time for each speaker

20 minutes - Audience Q&A

5 minutes - Closing remarks by Chair

About the room

  • Purpose-built theatre-style stage near to the keynote auditorium
  • Capacity for a seated audience of up to 500


More than half of attendees at NHS ConfedExpo are Heads of Department or more senior. It is important to engage with the audience and hear what they have to say. There should be at least 20 minutes – one third of the session – dedicated to audience engagement.

  • Slido will be available for use in main stage sessions – this software is fully integrated with the NHS ConfedExpo app and allows audience members to submit questions for the panel members.
  • Roving, handheld mics will be available, managed by NHS ConfedExpo staff

Discursive cabaret workshops

NHS ConfedExpo 2024 will have a stream of cabaret-style rooms dedicated to in-depth and engaging workshops exploring, discussing and debating the opportunities and solutions presented by the most important developments and challenges for the NHS.


  • To create space and time for open discussions about what systems need to succeed.
  • To create a sense of shared ownership, understanding and purpose across the NHS and partners about how we can use new ways of working to address key challenges and optimise opportunities.
  • To provide inspiration/motivation/opportunities to share good practice, and for adaption and adoption locally.

Format and objectives

  • Discursive cabaret workshop sessions are for 120-180 people and will last 75mins.
  • These sessions are focused on engagement with delegates, with the main bulk of the session being in-depth discussions and table work to explore specific key lines of enquiry.
  • The topic of the sessions should be focused on those areas where we genuinely want and need to collaborate and seek input into shaping policy, practice, and approaches.
  • The insights gathered from the session and the table work should be taken forward post-event by the team(s) leading the session as they continue to develop policy and practice within the session topic.
  • These workshop/seminar sessions should focus on engagement and collaboration with the delegates in the room, rather than a broadcast update from presenters.

About the room

  • Rooms are set out in cabaret-style (round tables), Room capacities range from 120-180.
  • Each table in a cabaret room seats approximately 10-12 people

Personnel should be:

  • One Chair overseeing and hosting the session
  • Enough facilitators to manage the number of tables in the room and have sufficient time to spend with each – these facilitators should be subject matter experts from NHS England, NHS Confederation and partner organisations.

The session agenda should be interactive and engaging, the model below provides a potential outline:

The session agenda should be similar to the following:

5 minutes - Chair to set the scene, purpose of the session and outcomes. They should introduce the experts / facilitators

10 minutes - Experts / facilitators introduce the session's key lines of enquiry and the context behind them

40 minutes - Facilitated table work and discussion to explore the key line of enquiry

15 minutes - Groups to feed back main learning points

5 minutes - Closing remarks by Chair and exports / facilitators focused on outcomes and next steps

(The format can be different from the above example, as long as the focus is on group engagement and discussion.)

Delegates could be presented with examples and key issues relevant to the session topic, and supported to discuss these in a structured way within the workshop/seminar. Session leads should consider how delegates will be supported to interact with the session topic in creative and interactive ways.

Role of Chair:

  • To introduce the session
  • To introduce facilitators and Key Lines of Inquiry for discussion
  • To chair an open and inclusive feedback session – ensuring that a range of voices and perspectives are represented

Role of facilitators

  • To support the Chair in introducing the Key Lines of Enquiry for the session
  • To support each table of delegates to discuss each Key Line of Enquiry
  • To ensure delegates’ views and insights against each KLOE are recorded for future use in policy and practice development.

Session format principles

  • NHS ConfedExpo is a joint conference and all sessions must be developed in full partnership between NHS England and NHS Confederation.
  • Focus on the most important opportunities and challenges within your theme area
  • More than half of attendees at NHS ConfedExpo are Heads of Department or more senior. The cabaret-style breakout sessions are designed to support in-depth engagement with the individuals who will be making key decisions and/or implementing change in their own organisations.
  • Roving mics will be available, along with screens, flipcharts etc
  • The topic under discussion, as well as the key aspects to be explored by delegates, must be fully agreed by both NHS England and NHS Confederation.

Best Practice Theatre

NHS ConfedExpo 2024 will have a strand of theatre-style rooms dedicated to sharing case studies of great work and explaining how delegates can adapt and adopt the principles of that work to different organisations and/or specialties.


  • To share specific examples of improvements made at local and system level.
  • To demonstrate how these specific examples can be adapted and adopted to other organisations and/or specialties.
  • To provide delegates with the tools they need to make the demonstrated changes in their own organisations.
  • To encourage delegates to stay in touch with other attendees after the session.

Format and objectives

  • Best practice theatre sessions are for 50-100 people and will last 60 minutes
  • Theatre-style layout (rows of chairs)
  • These sessions are focused on demonstrating the great work going on at the front line, delivered by the NHS and/or its partners at local level.
  • The case studies should be delivered by the individuals leading them locally, with the aim of demonstrating how other organisations and/or specialties could achieve the same sorts of results:
    • What they have practically done that’s worked well and how they’ve done it
    • Why they’ve done it – including how data has informed their work
    • What the impact has been - including showing the evidence that it has worked
    • What the challenges were and how they overcame them
    • The key lessons learnt
    • The key takeaways which others can adapt and adopt
  • Insights gathered from Q&A with the delegates should be taken forward post-event by the case study presenters and/or the session Chair.
  • These workshop/seminar sessions must focus on work at local and system level, rather than on national updates.
  • The session should focus on sharing learning and good practice, and equip delegates with the knowledge and tools they need to adapt and adopt within their organisation
  • An hour is a relatively short time, so there should be no more than two case studies. We would expect each case study to have one, or maximum two, people from the organisations responsible.

About the room

  • Five theatre-style rooms
  • Room capacities range from 50-100 – set out theatre-style

Personnel should be

  • One Chair overseeing and hosting the session
  • One or two presenters from each organisation presenting a case study

The session agenda should be similar to the following: 

5 minutes - Chair introduction to key issue of session

25 minutes - Presentations from one or two case studies, to set out how their work can be adapted and adopted

25 minutes - Q&A with audience

5 minutes - Closing remarks by Chair

Breakfast session (Theatre layout)

The breakfast sessions offer the opportunity to showcase your thought leadership on a subject linked to your business objectives. The sessions are 60 minutes in length and you are able to deliver your content in a variety of formats ranging from a single keynote address or a fireside chat to an interactive session or panel discussion.

Key information

Breakfast sessions are 60 minute slots, and should be set out similar to the following:

5 minutes - Chair introduction to key issue of session

25 minutes - Presentations in the form of an interesting format e.g a single keynote address or a fireside chat to an interactive session or panel discussion.

20 minutes - Q&A with audience

5 minutes - Closing remarks by Chair

  • Room capacities ranging from 70 - 80
  • The session offer the opportunity to showcase your thought leadership on a subject linked to your business objectives and should focus on sharing learning and good practice, and equip delegates with the knowledge and tools they need to adapt and adopt within their organisation

Session format principles

  • NHS ConfedExpo is a joint conference, and all sessions must be developed in full partnership between NHS England and NHS Confederation
  • Focus on the most impactful and adaptable/adoptable transformations within your theme area
  • More than half of attendees at NHS ConfedExpo are Heads of Department or more senior. It is important that all sessions give sufficient time for Q&A engagement/discussion with attendees
  • Roving mics will be available

Submission deadlines

There are two deadlines that it is imperative that you meet:

Wednesday 10 April
  • Final session title and description for agenda publication
  • Full details for all confirmed speakers
  • Tick-box confirmation of whether each of your confirmed speakers has any kind of practicing clinical role
  • Full details of any main stage panel session’s content
  • Full details of the key lines of enquiry (questions) that will be asked in any discursive cabaret workshop session
  • Full details of the case studies that will be presented in any best practice theatre session
  • Full details of how the session will run (speaker order, whether slides are being used, where and how Q&A will happen etc)
Friday 7 June
  • Deadline for slides to be submitted via the slide portal


Lineup Ninja Links

Core programme sessions

Sponsor / Partner sessions


If you need any support developing your session(s), please contact the team at 
Commercial partners submission deadlines will be discussed on our planning calls.


Email the team

Session formats overview

There are four session formats that are being captured through this process. A high level description of each can be found below: 

Main stage (Panel)

This stage is dedicated to high-calibre panels of experts exploring the most important developments and challenges facing the health and care sector. The sessions are 30 - 60 minutes in length (dependent on your brief) and will include a maximum of 5 speakers (Chair and 4 panelists). 


Room layout: Theatre style for 500 delegates

Discursive Cabaret Workshop

Discursive Cabaret Workshop breakouts are for in-depth and engaging workshops exploring the opportunities and solutions presented by the most important developments and challenges for the health and care sector. These sessions will focus on engagement with the delegates in the room rather than the views of the Chair or session facilitators. All Discursive Cabaret Workshop sessions should include an interactive element, intended for delegates to work in small groups / with those at their table, to explore and discuss the subject matter. These sessions are 75 minutes in length and should allow plenty of time to collect participant feedback after exploring the key lines of enquiry for the session. 


Room layout: Cabaret style (round tables seating 6). Capacity dependent on room, but ranges 120 - 180

Best Practice Theatres

Best Practice Theatres are dedicated to sharing case studies of great work and explaining how delegates can adapt and adopt the principles of that work for their organisations and/or specialities. The sessions are 60 minutes in length and should focus on sharing learning and good practice. Sessions should include no more than two case studies presented during the time slot. 


Room layout: Theatre style. Capacity dependent on room, but ranges 70 - 80. 

Note to commercial partners - This is referred to as a 1 hour workshop in your contract.

Breakfast session

The breakfast sessions offer the opportunity to showcase your thought leadership on a subject linked to your business objectives. The sessions are 60 minutes in length and you are able to deliver your content in a variety of formats ranging from a single keynote address or a fireside chat to an interactive session or panel discussion.

Room layout: Theatre style. Capacity dependent on room, but ranges 70 - 80. 


Useful information

Inviting speakers

Top tips for session development