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Tracy Rubery

Tracy Rubery

Director of Partnership, Impact and Delivery: Redbridge, North East London ICB

Working for the health service has always been important to me – giving something back and trying to make services as good as they can be for the people that use them, often at times of worry.

I have worked in a range of different settings, having started my career as a Management Secretary in a Plastic Surgery and Burns Unit which was hospital based, through to being a Contract Manager for a large London Trust with a Commissioning Support Unit and prior to my current role, Director of Planned Care for three CCG areas.

I’m excited about being the Place Director for Redbridge as I think the opportunities at Place are huge! We have the potential to design, develop and commission services for very small cohorts of residents and patients, which could really impact on their day to day lives and help them to live more independently and healthily for longer. By really understanding the wider determinants and their impact on all of us as people, we can tailor services to really ensure they meet demand and what people want as well as need.

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