Dr Renton L'Heureux
Dr Renton L'Heureux qualified in medicine at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa in 1998. He then specialised in Paediatrics in Soweto and Johannesburg, South Africa.
In 2005, he re-located to the UK and joined the London Deanery training programme, based mainly in North West London, where he developed a special interest in neonatal medicine, integrated health care systems and medical education.
Since 2017, he has developed a keen interest in the determinants of neonatal mortality as an MBRRACE and Perinatal Mortality Review Tool (PMRT) lead. He has taken part in the MBRRACE-led perinatal confidential enquiry for perinatal morbidity and mortality, and confidential enquiry into the comparison of the care of Asian, Black and White women. In 2019, he became a Medical Examiner gaining a better understanding of causes of death and the need for independent scrutiny in mortality cases.
As a special sub-interest, he has helped various bodies, including the London neonatal Operational Delivery Network and the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, in trying to understand the determinants of neonatal mortality and, in particular, how best to capture, analyse and improve the variation that currently exists between different ethnicities in perinatal statistics.
Renton is currently a Consultant Neonatal Paediatrician and Medical Examiner at Northwick Park Hospital, London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust.
13-Jun-2024Charter 6Working with women and families to improve equity in maternity and neonatal care