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Peter Fahy

Peter Fahy

Director of Adult Services and Housing, Coventry City Council

Pete has been working for Coventry City Council since 1997 and has been DASS since October 2015. Prior to this he held a series of senior management roles within social care across provider services, safeguarding and commissioning.
As well as DASS Pete has been responsible for Emergency Planning and Resilience since 2017 and Housing and Homelessness since 2021.
Prior to working in social care Pete was a Human Resources professional and made the switch to social care in 2003 to make a more direct impact on improving outcomes for the people of Coventry.
In addition to his role with the City Council, Pete holds the following positions:
• Vice Chair of West Midlands ADASS and regional lead for Use of Resources, Workforce and Practice Development/Principal Social Workers
• Social Care lead on West Midlands Clinical Senate
• NED for Coventry Municipal Holdings, a company that includes waste management and hotel businesses

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