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Nicola Noble

Nicola Noble

Head Teacher, Surrey Square Primary School

Nicola is the co-Headteacher of Surrey Square Primary School where she has worked since 2006. Surrey Square is part of the Big Education Trust which is 'rethinking school' to ensure that schools value more than just the traditional curriculum and academic outcomes. At Surrey Square, we are 'more than a school', which means that we work together from the core, supporting the community to thrive and build a better world for themselves and others.
Nicola's own life experiences have made her passionate about the importance of well-being. The well-being of staff, pupils, their families and, in recent years with the creation of the Old Kent Road Family Zone, the wider community is at the heart of the work at the school. The Old Kent Road Family Zone is the school's answer to tackling community well being with a new 'doing with' approach.
In all areas of her work, Nicola believes passionately in developing capacity and has worked extensively as a coach and trainer especially focused on leadership development. She thrives on developing those around her and being authentically engaged with stakeholders of the community she serves.
Nicola juggles Head Teacher life with being a mum to three children and works flexibly in her role.

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