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Nicola Hutchinson

Dr Nicola Hutchinson

Chief Executive Officer, Health Innovation North East North Cumbria

Nicola is the Chief Executive of Health Innovation North East North Cumbria, and has been involved in the organisation since 2012. She was part of the original team that successfully secured funding and accreditation for the AHSN North East and North Cumbria.
Nicola has a passion for working with industry and supporting them to co-create new, and improved products and services with the NHS, resulting in improved patient care and driving economic growth. For a number of years, she helped to oversee this work on behalf of the Health Innovation Network, and remains actively engaged. In addition, she now spends part of her time supporting the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board with a shared, regional innovation portfolio which supports adoption at a system level. She is extremely passionate about innovation and the impact it can have, not only upon a patient but also the wider family, having witnessed this first hand with her disabled brother.

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