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Martin Allen MBE

Martin Allen MBE

National Clinical Advisor for Physiological Science and Consultant Physician for respiratory Services and lead in sleep services at University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust, NHS England

Martin is a consultant physician based at the University Hospital of North Staffordshire where he has had a major interest in respiratory and sleep medicine, including developing and delivering sleep medicine, TB, COPD and supported ventilation services. Much of this clinical work is underpinned by physiological science and his previous research.

He has fulfilled a variety of management and transformational roles within the hospital, including CD and Medicine Divisional Head and nationally as secretary for the British Thoracic Society, where he continues to play a role.

Over the last several years Martin has held a variety of national roles including: chairing the expert working group on coding for NHSE; sitting on and chairing the Respiratory CRG; contributing to the Respiratory Long Term Plan, where he led on early diagnosis and pneumonia; work with the West Midlands AHSN and was previously the National Clinical Director then the National Speciality Advisor (NSA) for respiratory medicine. He is the GIRFT National Clinical Lead for Respiratory Medicine where he currently reviewing Tuberculosis services. For the last 3 years martin has been the NSA for Physiological Science.

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