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Julian Redhead

Professor Julian Redhead

National Clinical Director for Integrated Urgent and Emergency Care, NHS England

Professor Julian Redhead is National Clinical Director for Integrated Urgent and Emergency Care, and responsible for helping the NHS to continue to improve 999, 111, A&E and other urgent care services, at the same time as the service faces record levels of pressure following the pandemic.
Professor Redhead was previously Medical Director and Consultant for Emergency Medicine at Imperial College Healthcare, and Medical Director for the North West London Integrated Care Partnership.
Specialising in emergency medicine, Dr Redhead was first appointed as a consultant at Ealing hospital in 2000. He joined Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust full time in 2004 and became chief of service for emergency medicine in 2008. Since then, he has held various roles including Clinical Programme Group Director for Medicine, Divisional Director for Investigative and Supporting Sciences and Associate Medical Director for Professional Development.

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