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Jane Padmore

Jane Padmore

CEO, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Jane Padmore, a registered mental health nurse, is Chief Executive at Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and Chair of the NHS Confederation Learning Disability and Autism Forum. She has worked in clinical, leadership, managerial and academic posts across children and young people and adult mental health and learning disability services, in community NHS and integrated services, and inpatient services before working as a Chief Nursing Officer and then CEO.

Jane completed her doctorate at Kings College London where she investigated the mental health needs of young people in street gangs. She has published articles, aimed at the nursing profession, about the assessment and care of people with ADHD.

Jane is passionate about recognising the needs and making the adaptations that are helpful for both staff and service users who are neurodiverse. As such she is the Trust sponsor for the neurodiversity staff network.

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