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Iffath Hussain

Iffath Hussain

Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging Lead, South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Practised as a Psychotherapist in Primary care and Perinatal Mental Health service at South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust for over 10 years. Later moved to Leeds CCG as a project manager.
Returning back to a provider Trust where she led Change and Transformation projects, including unpaid cares passport, design, implementation and launch. Iffath also led a project funded by Sport England, highlighting the importance of physical activity into our systems and process. 2022 she received the Chairs and Chief Executive award at the Trust Excellent award which highlighted her passion, dedication to inclusion and service improvement. Iffath has also contributed to the publication of Inspiring Women, Inspiring Women book, sharing her story into leadership.
Now as the Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging lead within in the People Directorate at South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, her passion for inclusion, equity and equality is focused towards staff wellbeing and development. Attracting the best talent, retaining and developing staff and harnessing a sense of belonging for all, to ensure we deliver the best care for our service users, support EVERYONE to reach their potential.

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