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Helen Hunter

Helen Hunter

Assistant Director - Place Development, NHS Confederation

Helen Hunter has been working at the NHS Confederation for a little over two years. Though initially joining the organisation to engage NHS organisations in the North West of England, her last year has been focused on developing the NHS Confederation’s Place Forum. The Place Forum supports all those interested in collaborating at place level and focuses on showcasing best practice. At the heart of the Place Forum’s work is a Place Leaders’ Community of Practice, supporting those in the Accountable Officer role for Place-Based Partnerships. She brings insights from this Community to highlight how the change in relationship with communities is being realised in local geographies.

Prior to working at NHS Confederation, Helen was Chief Executive at two local Healthwatch in West Yorkshire. A significant part of this job was advocating for and developing the relationship between West Yorkshire ICS and the local Healthwatch organisations within it, to ensure the greatest possible focus on involving people and hearing their voices at system level. As place-based organisations, local Healthwatch collaborate with partners across health and care on topics of varying controversy, and must maintain strong, positive and influential relationships, which was a highlight of this role for Helen.

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