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Gill Rooke

Gill Rooke

Deputy Director, Leadership and Management Centre of Excellence, NHS England

Gill has over twenty years’ experience working in the health sector, initially in various policy roles within DHSC before moving into the national Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre, managing regional units across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
After having three children and completing a Masters in healthcare leadership, she then moved into Public Health England where she led on its national workforce development programme. A move to NHS Digital saw her working closely with NHS trust digital teams to improve their OD and workforce development. At the establishment of NHS England, she joined the CCG Development Team, leading on the leadership development requirements of the newly established CCGs. she worked in partnership with the NHS Leadership Academy in designing and delivering contextualised development programmes for CCG leaders, before moving formally into the Academy in 2016, to head up the delivery of all the flagship development programmes, coaching and mentoring interventions, system leadership development, bitesize learning and apprenticeships. Recently, Gill has moved into the role of Deputy Director of the NHS Leadership and Management Centre of Excellence, which incorporates the expansion and growth of Leadership Academy programmes and apprenticeships, research and evaluation, digital learning as well new significant responsibilities for the development of the NHS Leadership and Management Framework, consisting of a Code of Practice, standards, competencies and curricula for all managers in the NHS.

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