Francis Donnelly
Francis Donnelly is a Programme Lead for Changing Futures Northumbria. He works with the CFN team to develop, iterate and implement the Liberated Method. He is interested in how individuals access their own capacity for change and to what extent public services can help or hinder this process.
Francis has worked in both the public and voluntary sector in frontline and management roles, specialising in drug and alcohol services but also working in complex needs contexts focussing on housing, criminal justice and mental health. He has supported organisations around systems change and run learning programmes such as Fulfilling Lives Newcastle Gateshead.
The Changing Futures Northumbria programme has asked how radical change occurs for an individual who is without hope, and to what extent public services can be part of that change. Francis’ aspiration is to help enable organisations understand how they can create the capacity and capability to be a part of radical change for people.
12-Jun-2024Charter 7Driving improvement at place: working with communities to transform local services