Anulika Ifezue
My name is Anulika. I am a clinical lead and specialist health visitor for perinatal and infant mental health in Manchester working for the Local care Organization which is part of Manchester Foundation Trust. I qualified as a registered general nurse in 1990 and as a health visitor in 2006. In my 34 years post qualification I have worked across acute care and community settings. In health visiting, I worked as a health visitor and Health visiting Practice educator before taking up the role of the specialist health visitor and lead for perinatal and infant mental health in 2016 and most recently clinical lead trainer for perinatal and infant mental health. My current role involves clinical leadership within and across organisations to establish, deliver, and evaluate sustainable services and training provision for early years staff, and to support the development of strategies, pathways, and policies to deliver effective services to parents and their babies. I am happy to have led the transformation of Manchester health visiting service to fully embed perinatal and infant mental health (parent-infant-relationship) into the universal and specialist health visiting service provision across the city.
I have worked with the Strategic Clinical Network (SCN) in some projects such as Better Birth program for greater Manchester and Eastern Cheshire maternity services, the delivery of the NHS five year forward view for mental health for Greater Manchester and Eastern Cheshire and most recently the development of the Health Visiting action plan for the Greater Manchester and Eastern Cheshire equity and equality maternity action plan.
In my session at the conference, I will explore my journey through the Manchester Foundation Trust/Local care organisation reciprocal mentoring journey and my journey through the Elizabeth Gareth Anderson (EGA) Healthcare senior leadership apprenticeship master’s program with Manchester Business school. These where two years of incredible opportunity for learning and doing the healthcare senior leadership work through the support from my university academic tutors and my work-based mentor. We will look at my story in leadership, where I was, where I am and perhaps explore the next step while considering the role of experience, autonomy, and authenticity in my leadership journey through the complexities of challenging existing cultures to achieve improvements that understands the psychology and sociology of human beings as compared to the journey of babies through life’s developmental process.
I am passionate about preventative health and early intervention in healthcare. I am also passionate about sustainable healthcare provision built on strong collaboration across organizations to achieve effective service transformation that works for everyone. My aspiration is to see organizations build their social community and existing staff who will be happy to come to work, by championing the professional development and autonomy of existing workforce while seeking to recruit more from their community.
13-Jun-2024Charter 8NHS Long Term Workforce Plan: management and leadership