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Alun Roebuck FESC

Professor Alun Roebuck FESC

Senior Consultant Nurse in Cardiology, United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust

Alun is a Senior Consultant Nurse in Cardiology at the Lincolnshire Heart Centre and a Visiting Professor of Advanced Clinical Practice at the University of Lincoln. His clinical interests are in acute coronary syndromes, preventative cardiology, atrial fibrillation, technology evaluation and multi-professional working.

He is a Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology and was a member of the Guideline Development Group for the NICE guidelines in Unstable Angina and nSTEMI (CG94) and Acute Coronary Syndromes (NG185). He has undertaken x40 NICE Health Technology Assessments on health technologies ranging from anti-platelet therapies to novel anti-TNF’s and thrombolysis in stroke and has published widely on a variety of cardiovascular presentations.

He is the Trust professional lead for Advanced Clinical Practitioners (ACPs) and leads a team of x23 multi-professional ACPs within cardiology who undertake over 20,000 patient contacts a year in a variety of emergent and elective cardiovascular presentations.

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