Alice Williams
Alice Williams has worked in patient, public and community engagement for over 20 years. She is passionate about working in partnership with people and communities to achieve better services, designed around the people who use them. She has a particular passion around involving children and young people, stemming from more than 15 years as a foster carer. Her work within the NHS focuses on strengthening patient and public engagement to inform NHS strategic decision making.
As Head of the Patient and Public Involvement team in the Innovation, research and life sciences group at NHS England, Alice leads activity to embed both lived experience and community involvement in research and innovation pipeline programmes through a wide range of approaches.
In previous roles she has delivered patient led quality assurance programmes, national innovation and improvement initiatives and leadership development. She has worked in national and local government, and in the voluntary sector.
13-Jun-2024Exchange 8-10Changing the relationship between the NHS, patients and communities