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Top picks with Joan Saddler

Joan Saddler, Director of Partnerships and Equality shares highlights from the agenda

NHS ConfedExpo brings together the best ideas in healthcare leadership and innovation, as well as evidence-based practical improvement approaches. If you want to fast-track knowledge about the NHS, or if you are new to the NHS, then NHS ConfedExpo is the place to be.

Leaders and colleagues with specific expertise in tackling inequality need, more than ever, to be listened to and celebrated. Be inspired, challenged and motivated as you listen and learn from the best delivering equality and diversity for inclusion.


Looking at the programme, what are you most looking forward to, and why? 

I am looking forward to sessions about community-led healthcare across partnerships, such as the following:

Community ownership as a long-term improvement approach

Service redesign: clinically led, management enabled, community owned

Clinical leadership for community empowerment: improving access, experience and outcomes

I also look forward to the main stage sessions that will focus on tackling inequality as well as meeting up with an increasingly diverse group of healthcare leaders and a healthcare workforce delivering services for all. Our EDI colleagues are leading on a number of sessions, and I look forward to seeing their work, focussing on supporting patients and communites, being highlighted in a supportive space

We cannot afford to go backwards in ensuring that the NHS STILL ‘belongs to the people’, so it’s a critical time to harness the best of the NHS where our workforce commission and deliver complex care, despite daily pressures. Division derides diversity, Equality for inclusion celebrates it. I’m looking forward to an inclusive environment where the strength of the NHS and opportunities to be even better, is our key focus.


Are there any other sessions you would like to highlight? 

Both learning disabilities and maternity care are centre stage in terms of improving care. A community-led approach to change is the first essential step to getting things right. Two additional sessions not to miss are: 

In conversation with Tinuke Awe and Clotilde Rebecca Abe, co-founders of 5 X More

The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism


Our Confed Women’s network, LGBTQ+ network and BME Network are delivering a great range of events so look them up in the programme.

See you soon at NHS ConfedExpo.


You can view the full agenda here


Joan Saddler

Joan Saddler

Director of Partnerships and Equality, NHS Confederation


