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Why do we only see some patients when it's an emergency?

13 Jun 2024
The role of the voluntary sector theatre
Learning theatre , The role of the voluntary sector

The session will explore the importance of getting the basics right to enable different people and communities to feel comfortable with accessing appointments and be able to do so when they need to.

Learning will be about key barriers for people facing greater health inequalities; health inequalities improvement when ICSs commission, with people and community needs at the centre; positive community-led and community-based prevention programmes that meet local neighbourhood and population needs; and the importance of the Accessible Information Standard to ensure appropriate communication support for all.

Dan Wellings, Senior Fellow - King's Fund
Dr Manvir Kaur Hayer, Chair - Nishkam Healthcare Trust
Paul Gavin, Deputy Director, Patient Equalities, NHS England - NHS England
Robyn Doran, Director of Transformation and Brent ICP Director - Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust