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Transforming long-term care: addressing technology and clinical capacity gaps in primary care

12 Jun 2024
Charter 7
Best Practice Theatre , Quality, transformation and innovation , Supporter session

Addressing the complexities of managing long-term conditions including diabetes, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic kidney disease and hypertension, this session unveils the need for a transformative approach at integrated care board and primary care network levels.

We will discuss innovative strategies that integrate clinical services and digital engagement to enhance care for these conditions.

This session is supported by iPLATO Healthcare

Dr Harpreet Sood, Chief Medical Officer - Huma iPLATO
Dr Joseph Mayhew MA, MBBS, MRCP, MRCGP, GP and Clinical Lead for Clinical Effectiveness South East London (CESEL) - Nexus Health Group
Dr Matt Kearney, Senior Advisor to UCLPartners, GP and Founder of CVDACTION and CVDprevent - UCLPartners
Tobias Alpsten, Founder and CEO - iPlato

Supported by iPLATO Healthcare 

 iPLATO Healthcare