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Self-improving systems: developing strategies to improve health and care across systems

12 Jun 2024
Charter 1
Collaboration & partnerships , Discursive cabaret workshop

Building on the foundations laid out in the ICS Design Framework, the Hewitt review set an ambition for ICSs to become ‘self-improving.’ But how does this work in practice? What are the stages and enablers that system partners need to progress this work, and what can we learn from existing methodologies?

In this session, the Health Foundation's Q Community and the NHS Confederation will draw on learnings from their Learning and Improving Across Systems programme and the Cross Systems Improvement Framework to help bring this ambition to life.

You are welcome to bring an example of improvement work to discuss with your peers.

Penny Pereira, Managing Director - Q Community at the Health Foundation
Anindita Ghosh, Innovation and Development Lead - Q Community at the Health Foundation
Ilse Bosch, Deputy Director of Policy - NHS Confederation
Jen Morgan, Local System Lead - Q Community at the Health Foundation
Mags Farley, Director, Adult Critical Care Operational Delivery Network - Barts Health, North East London ICS
Mirek Skrypak, Director of Quality Improvement - NELFT
Dr Noel Burkett, Director, Transformation Improvement and Programme Management - The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Victoria Binks, Assistant Director - Improvement - NHS Confederation