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NHS industry partnerships: a recipe for success

12 Jun 2024
In conversation with...
In conversation with... , Learning theatre , Supporter session

When the NHS and industry work together effectively, great things can happen for patients and the system. These partnerships must be open, transparent and have clear joint goals. This session will examine the value of these partnerships, the practicalities of conducting them from NHS and industry perspectives, and highlight the ingredients for success.

This session is supported by the ABPI

Victoria Macdonald, Health and Social Care Editor - Channel 4 News
Pauline Hakutangwi, Value and Access Marketing Manager - Novartis UK
Sarah Walter, Director, Integrated Care System (ICS) Network, NHS Confederation - NHS Confederation
Susan Rienow, President - The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI)
Will Browne, Chief Technology Officer - Carnal Farrar

Supported by The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI)

The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI)