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Our potential as anchor institution employers: supporting new people to work in the NHS

12 Jun 2024
Charter 8
Best Practice Theatre , People

Making the most of our role as anchor institutions, how do we best use our position for new communities to access employment?

Using best practice case studies we will identify the challenges and the practical opportunities to support new and different people gaining employment in the NHS.

We will share specific examples of improvements and interventions made at local and system level, to:
• demonstrate how these specific examples can be adapted and adopted by other organisations
• provide you with the tools you need to make the changes in your own organisations.

Caroline Waterfield, Director of Development and Employment - NHS Employers
Craig de Sousa, Director of Workforce Supply - NHS England
Anita Esser, Head of Education - University Hospital Southampton
Brenda Carter, Deputy Chief People Officer - University Hospital Southampton
Charlie Presley, We Want You project lead - One Gloucestershire ICS
Mandy Tuckey, Widening Participation Lead - Gloucestershire ICB