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Earlier lung health checks for those at greatest risk

12 Jun 2024
Health inequalities improvement theatre
Health inequalities improvement , Learning theatre

Lung cancer is most common in deprived areas with high smoking rates, emphasising the critical role of early detection in reducing health inequalities.

NHS England's Targeted Lung Health Check Programme offers assessments to smokers aged 55 to 74, facilitating early detection and effective treatment.

Discover how colleagues in South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw used data on deprivation and lifestyle to identify and prioritise outreach efforts among high-risk individuals within their community.

David Fitzgerald, Director of Policy and Strategy for the NHS Cancer Programme - NHS England
Hannah Young, Targeted Lung Health Checks, Senior Comms and Engagement Officer - South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Cancer Alliance
Dr Jason Page, Medical Director, Rotherham Place - South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board