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Better prescribing practices: international approaches

13 Jun 2024
Charter 4
Best Practice Theatre , Operational delivery

As instances of long-term conditions and multimorbidity continue to increase, it will become even more important to find the right mix of pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions to manage these conditions.

Achieving this long-term balance creates complexity for healthcare professionals, patients and the public. It will require challenging conversations about the future of care, sophisticated patient management and advanced training for clinicians across organisations and multidisciplinary teams.

This session will draw on NHS England's programme of work and best practice developed in Canada and Australia.

David Webb, Chief Pharmaceutical Officer for England - NHS England
Dr Lisa Kouladjian O’Donnell, Lecturer, School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine and Health - The University of Sydney, Australia
Dr Lisa McCarthy, Associate Professor, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto || Co-Lead, || Learning Health System Fellow, Institute for Better Health, Trillium Health Partners - University of Toronto
Professor Tony Avery OBE, National Clinical Director for Prescribing - NHS England